Wave System / Spawner

This week one of my tasks was to create the enemy spawner and the wave system. Since this makes up the core of our game it took priority over anything else. The spawner was simple enough to create. I gave it the enemy blueprint and it would use that to spawn enemies with in a certain radius of itself. A few int's that controlled the total number to spawn and the time between those spawns was all I really needed. the problem I ran into, though, was when I started to work on the wave system. As I thought about how I wanted to set it up I kept coming back to having the wave system also spawn the enemies which would make the work that was done with the spawner pointless. As I contonued to give it more though, I came up with the idea to have the wave system control the spawners that would be placed in the level instead of having it do any actual spawning. On begin play the wave system looks for a spawner in the level and controls when it starts and stops. Once it starts a wave it sets the number to spawn and turns on the spawners tick. The spawner knows to stop after all the enemies have spawned in and waits for the wave system to reset it. This way the spawner doesnt need to be changed and the wave system can just build on top of it.
This could also be expanded as we continue to add to the project. The wave system could control multiple different spawner's that create different types of enemies. I could also make it so that each spawner spawns a different amount depending on the enemy type, allowing us to better control how a level will progress.

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