Expanding Tokyo City!

Author: Tyler Clardy
Date Posted: 7/05/2024

Recently, as we have geared up for our final few weeks of development we have been focused on finalizing and refining our gameplay loop. We have had to make some changes to scope as we near the finish line and ended up deciding to change our original vision of several levels. We are now going for one level that expands its playable area as the waves progress. I have overhauled our level 1, with the help of my roommate, a game designer named Aaron McBroom, and added several new areas to the level that will open up as the level progresses. As the new areas open up new spawners will activate, adding more enemies to the waves and new paths to defend from.

The level being built:

Video Walkthrough of the (nearly) complete Tokyo City level:

Next up for us will be several weeks of polish and refinement as we try to pull various systems together and finalize visual elements to create a completed game to launch by the end of the month. Exciting stuff!

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