Source Control Problems

During this sprint, I ran into more problems relating to our source control. After pulling down the updates to our project, I found that I couldn't edit it or compile any of our code. After doing some research, I found a few different possible solutions. At first I thought it may be related to my visual studio so I tried to reinstall a few components but that didn't end up working. I then went back to perforce to see if it had to do with my local files. I pulled everything down fresh and tried to check out certain files but still nothing. Eventually I realized I was spending too much time trouble shooting a program I am not to familiar with so I decided to ask for help. In the mean time though I opened up a separate project and continued whatever work I could. Eventually we figured out the problem had to do with some files that were sent into perforce by mistake and it was stopping Unreal from being able to compile. Because I still continued to my work in a separate file however, all I had to do was move everything over to our project, allowing us to make a good amount of progress even though I was locked out for a bit.

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